If you register as a 501(c) organization, we will request your organization's nine-digit employer identification number (EIN) during registration to verify your nonprofit status. You can find this number on any form filed with the IRS, such as your tax exemption letter or Form 990.
If the EIN you entered does not appear in the IRS database of tax-exempt organizations, you'll be brought to the following page:
Simply choose the option that best describes your organization and select Continue to access the second step of the registration!
Please note, if you've recently received 501(c) status, it's likely that your organization hasn't been added to the IRS database just yet! If this is the case, select "I don't know my organization's EIN" to skip this step and complete your registration.
Once you've finished your registration, be sure to check your email for further instructions as we'll be following up with you to request additional information!
Click here for more information about the types of documents we use for verification!
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